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Party California helps Cuban Stray Dogs

Recently I read on my Club Amigo Facebook page a sick stray dog was seen roaming around near the resort at Guardalavaca Beach near Holguin, Cuba. I met Eva and her dad at the resort who told me they searched everywhere for the dog and just when they were going to give up they spotted the dog.

I contacted Rafael Peña Pérez who is a vet in Holguin. Found him on facebook

It worked out perfect as Rafael was coming to the resort to rescue the stray dog so I didn't have to travel to Holguin to give him a collection of collars, leashes, plastic gloves etc.

I met Eva and her dad that have adopted the dog. The dog is recovering for 3 months in Rafael's good care at his clinic and then sent to his forever home with Eva in Canada.

If you have any supplies Rafael could use in his clinic (even expired meds) to help with rescuing dogs around the Holguin area I would be happy to deliver supplies to Rafael. We often go to Holguin and I know lots of other Canadians that would offer to take supplies. ( 905 567 8912)

As you can see Rafael loves balloon animals too. lol

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